Spot bird real rex cut and sing bird 22/03/2020🔥🔥 Whitey Shaffmaster BULLFINCH BIRDS 3:10 4 years ago 37 874 Далее Скачать
fast bird cut and sing real aggressive teeture weet 22/03/2021😜😊☠ Whitey Shaffmaster BULLFINCH BIRDS 2:37 3 years ago 5 024 Далее Скачать
Trini bullfinch plain Brown bird real rex singing loud 14/03/2020🔥😊 Whitey Shaffmaster BULLFINCH BIRDS 2:21 4 years ago 852 Далее Скачать
Bad bad 3rd black bird real rex 3/8/2020😹😹 Whitey Shaffmaster BULLFINCH BIRDS 2:13 4 years ago 991 Далее Скачать
30th march 2020 cyclone babies and one pair of second generation babies Naresh Seebalack 0:12 4 years ago 2 691 Далее Скачать
ROLL or NOTE like this BROWN BIRD could used for making Brown birds 20/08/2020💯👍 Whitey Shaffmaster BULLFINCH BIRDS 4:14 4 years ago 60 957 Далее Скачать
Spot bird singing clean under sack but (Real wild) running off NOTES when hang out 27/06/2020 Whitey Shaffmaster BULLFINCH BIRDS 1:39 4 years ago 654 Далее Скачать
Spot bird singing together with the teacher almost finished making 13/08/2020💯☺ Whitey Shaffmaster BULLFINCH BIRDS 3:08 4 years ago 2 310 Далее Скачать
BIRD with fine spots showing good potential 31/07/2020☺ Whitey Shaffmaster BULLFINCH BIRDS 2:21 4 years ago 833 Далее Скачать
Brown birds under TEACHER both of them start singing roll 22/07/2020🔥☺ Whitey Shaffmaster BULLFINCH BIRDS 1:42 4 years ago 699 Далее Скачать